In this particular magazine cover, the image is a close up shot, and the head of the artist overlapping the masthead. Alongside the person in the picture, the title of the magazine is also extremely prominent and in making those two parts of the cover the largest, it is suggesting that the two most important pieces of information on the front cover is the name of the magazine, and the artist that is doing the main feature. Another interesting aspect of this particular front cover, is the blue, white and yellow colour scheme. This makes the page aesthetically pleasing due to the contrast in colours, with the colours used for the fonts standing out against the dark blue background.
Similarly to the image on this front cover, I was planning on using a close up image, and have the person's head to slightly overlap the masthead and make the image stand out on the page to a further extent. Another way in which I may incorporate aspects of this front cover into my own is through different coloured fonts to show different features and in turn make them to appear individual and unique, as well as having a clear and obvious colour scheme that allows the names of the artists to stand out, highlighting their importance.