This is one of the two images that I have decided to use on my contents page, and is one of my favourite pictures that I have taken for my magazine. Initially, the image was too bright, making it difficult to see the image in all of its detail. Because of this, I had to manipulate the photo to get it how it is now. I did this by using the auto contrast option on adobe Photoshop, and this automatically made the image a lot more clear and defined, with important parts of the image such as the microphone and the chain a lot clearer.
This image conforms to common aspects of hip hop culture, particularly through the costume he is wearing. The chain and watch both conform to the archetypal hip hop artist, who wears jewellery and is very concerned about material possessions, and therefore this makes the reader aware of the genre and the artist's implied ideologies.
To add to this, the rule of thirds is deliberately present in this image, with the centre of the image focusing on the microphone, as well as the artist's face being prominently placed slightly above the centre in the middle of the image. This implies that the most important aspect of the artist is in fact the music, symbolised by the microphone.