After the initial rough cut deadline, I got feedback from other students on both positives and negatives of my magazine. This proved insightful, and helped me make the decisions that I needed to make in order for my magazine to progress. The action plan that I formed after the feedback included things such as 'experiment with layout of features on front cover', as well as 'experiment with fonts used for writing in DPS'. Both of these I managed to complete, as I did a complete realignment of the features on the front cover of the magazine, as well as sorting the problem I had with the visibility of the font on my DPS by changing the colour of the text to white, and placing a partly transparent box behind the article. Alongside this, I said 'use colour to highlight artist's names on contents page' in my action plan, but, instead of doing this I increased the size of the font of the artists name in order to make it stand out, as this appeared to be much more neat and organised than if I were to change the colour of the font specifically for the names.
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