Saturday, 19 March 2016

Contents Page Rough Cut Analysis

In the rough cut for my contents page, I have tried to apply aspects of contents pages that I have researched in previous blog updates. When it comes to house style, through the red on black colour scheme, I have tried to make the magazine's brand identity obvious as well as giving the layout of the magazine as a whole more coherence. Also, I have included the issue number just below the 'contents' title, which allows the reader to see that the magazine has had longevity and therefore implies that it is reliable.

Also, I have decided to make the numbers which indicate what page each feature is on white, as it contrasts greatly with the black background it is on, making it stand out to the reader, in turn giving the contents page practicality as it is easy to navigate the magazine.

Some of the improvements that I am planning to make however, is to change the top left picture for one with a different background, as I feel as though having a wider range of backgrounds would make the images seem less generic. Also, in the bottom left of the page I am considering adding a short 'note from the editor'. One of my reasons behind this is to decrease the amount of empty space on the page, but also because in contents pages that I have analysed previously, there was more written content than there is on this.

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