In this contents page, the header is fairly large at the top of the page, and the block written 'NME' that was also used in the masthead is used again here. Next to this it says 'THIS WEEK', which emphasises the fact that the events that are being covered are current and that NME are consistently providing news about this music genre. The use of a band index on the right of the page shows how in depth the magazine goes when it comes to providing the news about music, as well as implying that there is more content and features than other magazines of a similar nature. The fact that on this contents page there is an advertisement to subscribe to the magazine is clever as the contents page is the first page that the reader would look inside of a magazine, and therefore helps the magazine to make money through subscriptions.
One of the main aspects of this contents page that I may decide to apply to my own is the bars used behind the text that lists the features of the magazine. I am planning on using black boxes much like this one, but with red text on top of it. This would make the colour scheme and house style of the magazine to be even more obvious to the reader as it is these two colours that I used for the name of the magazine on the front cover. Similarly, I am planning on using red letters when indicating what page each article is, giving the magazine cohesion and making it consistent with the colour scheme.
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